Lessons 1-10
Lecture 1Narrative tensesFree
Lecture 2Past perfect and past perfect continuous
Lecture 3Future continuous
Lecture 6Used to, be used to, get used to
Lecture 9Would expressing habits in the past
Lecture 10Review lessons 1-9
Lessons 11-20
Lecture 113rd conditional
Lecture 12Mixed conditionals and conditional review
Lecture 13Gerund and infinitives
Lecture 14Indirect questions
Lecture 16Reported speech
Lecture 17Reported speech with passives
Lecture 19Structures after wish
Lecture 20Review lessons 11-19
Lessons 21-30
Lecture 22Uncountable/plural nouns
Lecture 23Adjectives as nouns
Lecture 24Relative clauses
Lecture 25Adverbs and adverbial phrases
Lecture 28Adverbs of quality and degree
Lecture 29Clauses starting with wh- words
Lecture 30Review lessons 21-29