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Personal Branding: promuovi te stesso sui social

Communication and Marketing ► Branding

Certified skills you will learn
Communication & Marketing
Social media
Communication & Marketing
Google analytics
Communication & Marketing
Paid social media advertising
Communication & Marketing
Social media marketing
Skills legend
Skills have 3 levels to communicate the right grade of competence.
Personal Branding: promuovi te stesso sui social
Communication and Marketing
30 lectures
6 hours
69.90 €
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69.90 €
Personal Branding: promuovi te stesso sui social

Communication and Marketing ► Branding

Certified skills you will learn
Communication & Marketing
Social media
Communication & Marketing
Google analytics
Communication & Marketing
Paid social media advertising
Communication & Marketing
Social media marketing
Skills legend
Skills have 3 levels to communicate the right grade of competence.

In questo corso scopriremo come costruire il nostro Personal Branding e promuovere la nostra immagine sui social.
Il corso è pensato per chi è alle prime armi e vuole fare un lavoro self-made al meglio delle proprie possibilità.
Partendo con la fase progettuale, impareremo a costruire le nostre pagine sui maggiori social network (Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn) e a controllarne le statistiche. Verranno forniti consigli utili per rendere le pagine social accattivanti sia esteticamente che nel contenuto. Attraverso l’uso di alcune app, si potrà poi facilitare il lavoro sia grafico che organizzativo.

Course Objectives
  • Costruire un’immagine sui social che rispecchi la nostra identità
  • Imparare a progettare e controllare gli insight
  • Acquisire conoscenze grafiche di base
Course Target
Principianti assoluti del mondo dei social, studenti di comunicazione, Junior media relations specialist, piccoli imprenditori
How to access this course
In order to follow this course you'll need to register a personal account on GAMeDU, proceed to the check-out and pay the stated price.

Once bought, the course will be accessible by clicking the "MY COURSES" button on the toolbar placed on top of the website, or accessing to the "Learn" section on your Student Dashboard.

The course price includes: lifetime access to the course material (including attachments and handouts), access to the course's Thread board where you can get in touch with the teacher and other fellow students eduCoins and eXP (variable values directly related to the price of this course), Certificate of Completion when the course is fully completed.
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